Woolly Mammoth Tusk Core Tip Earrings - Swarovski Crystal
Woolly Mammoth Tusk Core Tip Earrings - Swarovski Crystal
Woolly Mammoth Tusk Core Tip Earrings with Swarovski Crystals. This sparkly and very cool ivory stone set is made from the very inner core at the tip of the Woolly Mammoth Tusk shard found at the Boneyard Alaska. A shard of inner core tip material is rare to find as they are often more decomposed, very small and difficult to find.
Each earring is unique and different offering beautiful brown tones from mineralization from the permafrost layer. Some times we are able to match a broken tusk but typically the narrower tips are broken off and impossible to match up. Much of restoring a full tusk often requires rebuilding the ends and tips of the tusks.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Enjoy it! Treat like a fine gemstone and fossil. Wooly Mammoth Ivory is porous and will naturally absorb your body oils which is a benefit as it is nourishing and enriches colors in ivory and creates a special unity. Handling and rubbing your ivory is also calming and meditative and inspiring. Avoid water and soaps and handle with care.